Friday, June 27, 2008


This one really isn't rocket surgery, but it warrants explaining. "Terabi" is another word for something terrible, but slightly amusing, ironic, etc.

Etymology: When Kate and I shared a cave at our previous job, we had a terrible client who had, fortuitously, been named "terabi." Henceforth, terabi became the preferred moniker of awful and hilarious things.

Post Script:
I was looking up correct spelling of "moniker" and found this:
1849, said to be originally a hobo term (but attested in London underclass from 1851), of uncertain origin; perhaps from monk (monks and nuns take new names with their vows, and early 19c. British tramps referred to themselves as "in the monkery").

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Something so ridiculous, so misleading, or just plain wrong that neither the words malarkey nor bologna are strong enough to describe it.

For example, when someone tries to tell you a bunch of jive, just say "Maloney!!"

Monday, June 23, 2008

What's up with people who are neither curious nor resourceful?

I'm amending the old "there are no stupid questions" chestnut.

Here goes:
"There are no stupid questions, only lazy people."

Call google with all your stupid questions that you haven't bothered to wikapedia and leave me alone.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


It's what happens when you accidentally IM with the caps lock on and it looks like you're emphasizing something that DOESN'T CALL FOR EMPHASIS.

for example:

erin: I like bananas
me: YOU DO?

I capsidentally made it seem like there's something unusual about liking bananas.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Of or relating to a state of insufferable commentary, generally associated with work, specifically with interaction design or Dan Saffer.

Etymology: created in response to the all-too-widely publicized coinage of "topless" to describe Silicon Valley meetings in which laptops and personal electronics were banned.


gotta, kinda, sorta... why you no lika?

new words for an old world

Sometimes 988,968 just aren't enough...